Star Sign | Capricorn (Greeting Cards)

Greeting Cards Now Available Online for All Star Signs:

Capricorn | Earth | Sea-Goat (December 21 to January 21) 

This is a special update just for Capricorns. After this, I will consider myself officially "done" with my online explanations of the signs and on to making the book that will be available for purchase online. I took time to design a complete "Zodiac Collection" with T-Shirts, coffee mugs, and jewelry. 

I will refurbish my illustration work for this book and also include a small portion on compatibility of the signs. My idea, just like in my book, "Hands," is to provide a comprehensive look on a vast and normally confusing subject in a simple easy-to-read manner. This involves my illustration work and unique ability to explain something complex in understandable ways. 

Hello Capricorns,

You guys are ruled by the planet Saturn. It is known as "the planet of hard work." Saturn is huge and slow moving. Have you ever felt like everything you have achieved in life came through a tremendous amount of work? 

That is why.

If your sun sign is in Capricorn, then success, marriage, and most things come to you later in life as the result of a lot of work. Most people in this sign do eventually get to the top. In nature, goats have the ability to climb tall and impossible mountain-sides. The half-goat symbol for Capricorns reflects the high-climbing goats that are not afraid of heights. Capricorns, as opposed to a sign like Leo, are normally "reserved." They come across as very serious at first. They love to demonstrate their value by making themselves well-versed in whatever endeavor they pursue. They rarely cut-corners. A Sagittarius person may, for example, becoming a celebrity out of string of "lucky breaks." Sagittarius, associated with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will have a happy-go-lucky and carefree attitude while achieving great success in what seems like pure luck. 

A Capricorn, through their (more often then not) dry personality depends on a display of "straight A" and rule abiding work to vouch for the reason they deserve to be recognized. A Capricorn will work long hours, for years, in order to make steady progress. They do not place their faith in luck, and choose to adhere to a routine lifestyle that supports their hard-working attitude. Capricorns, for this reason, are normally "the boss" in a work environment. They don't mix in with the crowd under them and choose to network with the people above them as they are always seeking to advance themselves. 

While this may seem like "ambition" on the surface, it is simply the Capricorn way not to expose their flaws or vulnerabilities. The inability to "be real" with people has onlookers suspecting they are pompous or self-righteous. In reality, they are shy and can feel too naked without their rigid "front." The friends and lovers of Capricorns tend to like them because they can be trustworthy, loyal, reliable people who get work done. What is not to like about a straight A student? Who is punctual? Who does everything by the book?

This brings us to the negatives, the biggest complaints about this sign is they can be selfish. Everything is about them and their career...or academic career...or whatever pursuit they are trying to become the best at...This Capricorn trait leaves not much room for partners, unless they work together. Most relationships with Capricorn start with work. Inside the relationship a Capricorn will become the boss, and have a annoying tendency to "nag" more than normal. Capricorns can be so intense about projecting an image that they tend to pinpoint flaws in their partners and attempt to "change them." Caps will attempt to "mold" their partner into their envisioned projection of "the perfect partnership." Be prepared to "work" to be the partner of a Cap. If you want to embrace striving for perfection, then this is the partnership for you! Although, if you enjoy real and authentic exchanges way too much, then being the partner of a Capricorn can become exhausting, as holding up an image is a lot of work. For this reason people do not tend to "open up" easily to Capricorn energy, because it feels like opening up to a boss... The Capricorn energy, instead of being warm, makes people want to work just as hard, to achieve just as much in terms of self-betterment. Break ups occur when a person can't keep up with this Capricorn discipline and leave. It takes a very long time for a Capricorn to show a softer, warmer natured, and forgiving side. Nagging people out of a relationship is another common ending with a Cap. 

To end on a positive note, the world needs Capricorn energy especially when it comes to leadership. This sign is normally viewed as a fair and humble leader. They set a good example for other people to follow. While a little boring, they are normally the friend your parents want you to hang with as the "good influence." In a relationship they tend to make a reliable, trustworthy, and honest partner who you can "count on." Rarely does a Cap cheat on a partner. On the positive end, they tend to pour 100 percent effort into making their relationships as successful as other areas of their lives. They "take their time" with a slow-moving and stable relationship before agreeing to marriage. This might annoy signs who believe in passionate energy and super-romantic type love. The stability and dependability of capturing the intelligent minds of a Cap may be "worth it" for some signs. After much time has passed, a Capricorn can become a warmer experience. (If you are willing to put in the time and work.)


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