Hawaiian Island Escape & Summer Designs
(My super sun-burned skin)
Summer Designs Available Online:
I recently made this Blue Hawaii-Island Day-Dream
What did I want to capture?
First, a place I have actually been to. Given the last post was about Innsbruck, Austria, maybe I'm on to a theme of places I have visited and decided to make into art. I wanted to capture a hot tropical place for summer. On top of that, the refreshing feeling of dipping into water that is not cold; but because of walking around under a hot sun feels icy when first diving in. Imagine the feeling of sun- burned skin getting a sense of temporary relief after submerging under the crystal-clear waters. Relief comes in the form of dropping down, under the surface, eyes closed...and staying this way until the need for air presses against your chest. The final feeling of refreshment comes after erupting to the surface to catch a hungry breath.
Cold and crisp water to beat the heat.
For me, an array of blues, represent the unusual feelings associated with summer.
The impressionism in this multi-media piece is meant to give the viewer a feeling of a day dream...I was hoping to put this on a coffee cup so that people (i.e. me) can "escape" for a little while in the morning. I do believe that thoughts become things. I wanted a coffee cup for myself that was like a "pipe dream and day-dream." I wanted a coffee cup I could do a zombie-stare into oblivion where I day-dream about how my best-selling romance novel turns into a trip to Hawaii after I celebrate it. In that respect, this image is an escape...before I meet my actual day. This cup reflects peace and calm.
I couldn't leave it be at just a cup for everyone else...of course I had fun finding other ways to enjoy the image in a similar way. A pillow...a yoga mat...a charm that someone can see everyday to remind themselves of what they are working towards.
Get it here:
Yoga Mat:
Summer "Sunny" Flowers (Cactus & Sunflowers)
I have got to admit, I look forward to seeing cactus flowers. Normally, when they are in bloom, it feels like spring, rather than the intense summer heat of Texas. I loved this cactus flower I was able to snap a photo of while hiking. The colors are fiery and passionate. Orange bleeds into the almost translucent yellow as it makes its way to the tips of the petals. The vanilla pollen looks like a firework bursting at the center. I love the bright yellow-orange colors, it is sure to brighten a room.
There are many trinkets for a southern kitchen or waiting area available online:
Summer Sunflowers
This design was a case of "if you don't see it out there...make it." I applied a phrase that is commonly associated with books and authors, "I wrote the book I wanted to read." This was the case with my first book "Hands" (Which is available on amazon under an author name Z.B. Sanders.)
I was inspired by a beautiful bushel of sunflowers that seemed to be bursting out in every direction. If you don't know, sunflowers tend to follow the sun...so it is not normally the case to see them huddled together and staring in different directions. I love to go out on walks and see these peering over the sides of fences, springing up from little corners of a dried up creek or finding a way to grow somewhere unusual...
Sunflowers are such a common summer flower...they are right there with watermelons...
When I was working on this design I immediately thought of a scarf that one can easily pair with an all-black outfit, or blue jeans, to add a burst of color in order to easily transform an outfit into something eye-catching.
Scroll down on this link to see more of this design:

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