Finishing Last Two Zodiac Signs (Coming Up)

Does anyone remember when I would do astrology sign updates? I would post a video every Friday describing the general characteristics of each sign. By the time I was done...we all had a very good grasp on astrology. Each month I was creating a mixed-media design for my VIDA collection and describing each star sign this way.

These designs and updates were meant to be condensed into a small book (hence the research.)

What happened?

Once I published "Hands" (my first novel) I was on an "I did it" high. I was also suffering a burn-out with writing...

I was in denial though.

Inside of me was a roaring, passionate, fire telling me, "Okay, you did it. It is a good first novel. Now...on to your masterpiece."

I struggled to get back on the horse. I enjoyed the break. If you haven't followed the creation of "Hands" online, it was a blog before I turned it into a book. I was also writing two other projects at the same time. I had no "rules" when creating these projects. Just like my "Benny Fisher" character in "Hands" I went on my own Don Quixote quest, set off by my own psychic prediction, that I would end up a writer...a famous J.K. Rowling.

Well, when I experienced that she correctly predicted certain events....

It was like, "Dude, I am gonna write like a million books right now and get famous. I must rock, this must be my true calling..."

It wasn't like these sentiments came out of nowhere, nearly every English teacher I have ever had has commented on my writing. Some would reach out to my mom to tell her that I had a gift. Yet, it wasn't on my mind to become a writer. My impression of writers was:

Lonely people...
Who wear black and sit in corners of coffee shops...
They say pretentious things for the sake of it...
Generally miserable because they can spend days or years glued to the tedious task of writing...
Perfectionist who never forgive themselves
Unless they have a patron of some sort, poor until they "make it big."
Compensate for awkward social skills by using words no one understands
Grammar Nazis
Annoyed by modern pop music that makes up words in order to "rhyme"

This list can go on and on...

No thank you. At the time, I thought, " I would become the "crazy cat woman" in no time doing that."

According to all of the stereotypes I had listed in my mind, I was definitely not going to seriously pursue writing...unless I was in my 80's and lonely.  

Yet, while writing my first book, I would go on private walks alone, and mumble to myself as I figured out dialogue in my mind. I would catch myself making myself laugh. Found that I relished my own "humorous" company. I started walking with a phone so that I could make sure to capture quirky thoughts before they were forgotten. Then, sometimes, I would allow thoughts to be forgotten. I dared them to pop up again later so that I know they were worthy of being captured.

A neighbor asked me, "I see you walking in circles at night...and I wonder what you are thinking about because you look so intense."

Mind you, my walks were taken at night, 1 or maybe 2 am sometimes, to make sure no one could see me...talking to myself...

Who knew I had a neighbor who was up this late and "enjoying the show."

It was too late for me...both in terms of when I would feel compelled to write around 3 am sometimes....and...

The psychic may have been right after all. I enjoy my imagination and a way with words. As vivid as my imagination can be, I could easily escape into worlds within me, that no one else can see, unless I describe it.

At the end of "Hands" I could't admit to myself that I was tired...but energized. My mind was fascinated by this new medium of expression. For so long, I have used paintbrushes as an outlet. I only played with words in the form of songwriting ( because it was similar to poetry-short and sweet. What a time saver that allowed me to create with words. Songwriting replaced poetry for me. I refused to try poetry because I was forever scarred by getting an "F" on what I thought was an "A" poem in the 8th grade.)


I would attempt to write out stories when I was young. I even started a little "note" to fifth graders called "The Daily Letter" where I would provide a daily cartoon and comical thought to my sister's fifth grade class. Since my fifth grade antics the year before made me legend at the elementary school I had to leave behind...leaving my little sister "alone" in a school, all by herself, for the first time. My letter was something I did to make sure she had something to feel less lonely.

Who knew, the author of the one-page and handwritten "Daily Letter" would end up an Editor. Now I get to experience the same feeling of unleashing stories to the world through a magazine. Being an editor has provided me with the confidence needed to "get back on the horse." That, matched with having an award winning author approve my story. Prior to this...I wrote a book...but secretly hoped that it wouldn't be discovered. In the instance that it wasn't that good...

I learned it was very good:

Here is my first book "Hands." I am starting again on my next book. In hindsight, it required research. A writer I recently got into, Isabel Allende, describes a couple years worth of researching goes into her historical fiction. For me, I had to learn enough to speak "psychic" to the point it sounded real as a character. Based on a real-life psychic reading, I needed to extend this fictional character into someone with a presence in this story I had in mind. It took a while to establish some lingo so that my story did not sound "made up."

Part of that lingo, and somewhat of "extended reading" for this writing project I am describing, is continuing with my astrology collection on this blog. We are on the last two signs. Sagittarius and Capricorn.

So, new people, you can order my first book "Hands here:


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