So many people don't know what to get teachers as a gift. It is almost the same as shopping for the opposite sex in a non-romantic occasion or a complete stranger. A lot of time people don't know what a teacher might like. The reality is that not many people take time to truly know their teachers. I did when I was in school. I even had my teacher's give me rides (even when that is shaky-territory these days.) 

This leaves most people in a bind, how do I shop for someone I hardly know?

This is a great teacher-gift.

It is very "teacher."
It gives them something to wear to school.
The designs below are "one-size-fits-all."
I intentionally made this design cute and colorful.  

As the designer I had one thing in mind. My ceramics class. 

In college I opted to intern for credit. This way I could fill out an elective credit on the weekends. I was working full time and I had to do what I could to finish this college degree. 

I ended up assistant-teaching a ceramics course to teens. I would meet with parents and never feel right about how messy my clothing would look (even after wearing an apron.) 

After the ceramics teaching portion of my internship, I had to go back into an office to fill out the marketing hours.

It was hard to maintain a professional look. I would dream up my solution while I looked over folders of press articles and attempted to organize them into folders by date. This was important to know how much marketing work was done in one year.

SOOoooo boring...and maybe not that necessary given that there is no real way to know what marketing works...and I was archiving up to ten years in the past...

My mind would wander...

I thought, "wouldn't it be awesome if I made clothing around the idea of art supplies. Art supplies are meant to look messy and get messy. In fact, the stains might look like part of the design."  

Of course I tested this out as a first design of mine on VIDA:

This cashmere scarf has a lot less pressure to keep clean:

Sometimes I love having original ideas pop in this way. It may be a result of thinking a little differently than most people. As a kid I was pressed to keep my clothing clean,  but it is my way of thinking that reverses logic enough to see things differently, "Why don't we just make clothing that looks good dirty?

...or why not just make it fashionable to have stained clothing? 

Here is a wrap. 

I love having a wrap handy when painting. It is a great way to put something over a stained t-shirt. I can't tell you the number of shirts I have worn where I clean off my brushes on the bottom when no rag is around. Not that I would try to hide paint stains with a wrap, it would just pull-together well and blend the stains into "a look."

...and totes.

I cannot even describe the amount of bags that I went through destroyed by paints. Especially when I was studying this in college. I didn't want to deal with parking at UTSA so I would park at La Cantera and walk with my bags. If I forgot to cap something in my bag everything would be a hard-to-clean mess. Oil paints are especially hard to get out. If you ever witnessed an animal being cleaned after an oil spill you would understand. Oil and water don't mix. This means pure soap needs to be used to scrub something out, because water is pointless. 

You can understand why I would have loved this bag as the ceramics teacher! Especially when I needed to put my bag somewhere around me in a clay-filled studio.  


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